Mountain Lion Helmet Cover
This one had me rolling on the floor in stitches for a while :D
From MTBR forum:
AZClydesdale: Walt - Put one of these* over your helmet and get back up there on Sunrise!!!! They will see you as one of their own.

IBIKEAZ: You may get screwed. Wearing one of those might get you in trouble if there was some male hooligan mountain lions looking for action.
AZClydesdale: I'd rather be mauled.
SunDog: The foreplay would equate to a mauling.
AZClydesdale: Mee-Ouch!
SunDog: I wonder what the N.A. Shaman would say of the offspring?
File photographs of shot mountain lions:

This gentleman is Brian Williams. The mountain lion weighed at 220 lbs (100 kg). Click on the picture for a write up of the hunt.
A fearsome adversary indeed. Shaolin Kung Fu, Akido, Taekwando, Judo, Karate, Steven Seagal Signature Underpants, whatever you have, unless you are armed with a shotgun or high-power rifle, a fully-grown cougar will make wantons (or sushi) out of you.
The puma can run as fast as 30 mph (50 km/h), jump 20 ft (6 m) from a standing position, vertically leap 8 ft (2.5 m), and often weigh more than 150 pounds (70 kg). Their bite strength is more powerful than that of any domestic dog. Puma claws are retractable and they have four toes. Adult males may be more than eight feet long (nose to tail), and weigh about 150 pounds (70 kg). In exceptional cases males may reach as much as 200 pounds (~91 kg). Adult females can be 7 ft (2 m) long and weigh about 75 pounds (35 kg).
Pumas can kill and drag prey about 7 times their own weight. They normally hunt large mammals, such as deer and elk, but will eat small animals, such as beavers, porcupines or even mice, if the need arises. They hunt alone and ambush their prey, often from behind. They usually kill with a bite at the base of the skull to break the neck of their target. The carcass of the kill is usually then buried or partially covered to protect it for several days, while the puma continues to roam and comes back for nourishment as needed. (Source)